Huge cleaning machine.

Huge cleaning machine.


A Dutch inventor helped create a huge device that removed nearly 9,000 kilos of plastic from the Pacific Ocean, the Ocean Cleanup organization aims to remove 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040.


To this end they created a device called Jenny that collects plastic in a gigantic network system, the team launched the device on the large island of garbage in the North Pacific, managing to collect huge amounts of plastic.


The jenny device is a 100 meter long floating barrier of two funnel-shaped nets, boats tow it across the ocean as the current pushes the plastic into the nets, then the plastic is transported to shore where it is currently recycled. in sunglasses that can cost up to $ 200.


Actually, this is the key to financing this project, it is estimated that 10 genes could clean up to 50 percent of the great island of garbage in 5 years, however, there is still the challenge of cleaning the ocean floor since Jenny only collects plastics at surface level, while there could be up to 30 times more plastic on the ocean floor.


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