Great events for life to arise.

Great events for life to arise..

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Fossils of marine animals have been found in the Himalayas that inhabited the Ancient ocean that existed before India collided with Asia creating the highest mountains on Earth, but what is news now is that scientists from the Indian Institute of Sciences and the University of Niigata in Japan, have discovered drops of water from that ancient ocean.

They believe that these drops trapped in mineral deposits may be between 700 and 500 million years old. This is very interesting, not only because it is prehistoric water and not only because it contains in its composition the elements that were in that disappeared ocean, all of which is very good, but there is something that makes that water especially interesting and it is because it belongs to a time when an intriguing mega-glaciation took place.

Intriguing, because very little is known about what caused it and mega, because it was much older than the relatively recent ice ages where our ancestors took refuge in caves and hunted mammoths, that mega glaciation was so extensive that it is known as snowball earth event, since that should be the appearance of the earth seen from space.

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At that time the warmest place on earth would look like Canada in winter and our planet was not blue it was white.

The researchers analyzed that prehistoric water and the deposits where it was found to have calcium and magnesium carbonates, which allowed these scientists to have clues about the events that also caused the second great oxygenation event, a moment that occurred when the event ended. snowball earth

The ice retreated and with it the oxygen on earth also increased. This coincided with the explosion of complex life and the appearance of animals, because for billions of years the Earth had been a planet of bacteria, but at that time The great oxygenation was combined with other events that we still do not know well and radically changed the development of life, opening the way to the formation of animals and the evolution that ended up giving rise to beings like humans.

All this shows that the path from the origin of life to us is very complicated and is full of phenomena and events about which we still know very little.

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