Drawings on the moon, product of Magnetic anomalies.

Drawings on the moon, product of Magnetic anomalies.

One of the oldest lunar mysteries is that of the drawings that astronauts saw on the lunar surface, which are believed to be the product of local magnetic anomalies.

The moon does not have a global magnetic field like that of the Earth, but there are remains of locally strong magnetic fields caused by magnetic anomalies produced perhaps by metals that are buried in the upper crust of the moon. These magnetic zones protect the ground from the radiation of the moon. solar wind causing the dust to become lighter in color than dust found on the ground where there is no magnetic protection.

This is how the drawings are produced and what we see in the drawings are the shapes of those local magnetic fields and they are also an indication of what may have been buried beneath them, one of the largest magnetic anomalies is Reiner Gamma, it is the image below, unfortunately the area has never been thoroughly investigated and it is not known what happens to the dust and rocks of the place that have been subjected to this magnetic field for billions of years, but now we have new information.


On January 17, research led by Dr. Ottaviano Rüsch from the Institute of Planetology at Monster University in Germany was published. The doctor analyzed images taken by NASA's LRO or lunar reconnaissance orbiter and using an algorithm identified about 13,000 anomalous rocks the size of 1 meter or larger.

The conclusions are that these rocks presumably present unique properties including properties related to magnetic anomalies, it is an interesting finding but it is only a step in solving the Mystery of the lunar drawings, it is one of those things for which we will not have a clear answer until Let's not go there and take direct samples, something that will happen in the coming years since NASA plans to send a Rover to that region, to that of Reiner Gamma to analyze the magnetism, the strange rocks and perhaps clarify what is buried. that is causing this curious magnetic anomaly.


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