Betelgeuse about to explode

Betelgeuse about to explode.

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According to the researchers, the Betelgeuse star is close to exploding as a supernova, it has about 19 times the mass of the Sun, it is in our own galaxy and also relatively close to us, about 640 light years away.

Astronomers know that the star is at the end of its days and that it will eventually explode in the form of a supernova, a supernova so powerful that it will be visible to the naked eye from Earth will be very bright, according to some sources as much as half the brightness of the moon. full, although others affirm that they will be just as bright as the full moon, although in both cases the brightness will be concentrated in a single point and may be visible even during the day.

Betelgeuse is a red super giant, long ago it stopped fusing hydrogen atoms, which is what normal stars like the sun do, and now it fuses or joins atoms of helium, carbon, oxygen and everything else it finds until it reaches the scale of the table iron, from there it can no longer fuse and when that happens the thermonuclear reactions will end, the nucleus will collapse and a supernova explosion will be triggered.

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The star is in the news now because it increased its brightness and in some media they affirm that this may be a sign that it is about to explode, let's remember that we see and feel what happens in the cosmos when its effects reach us, the increase in brightness that we see these days it occurred more than 6 centuries ago and that betterheus changes brightness is not extraordinary news either, it is a variable star, it can increase its brightness and also decrease it, darkening dramatically as it happened between 2019 and 2020.

At that time many interpreted the phenomenon as a sign of the imminent explosion, but in the end it was just a huge cloud of dust that the star had ejected and that was placed between it and us temporarily covering its vision, when it will explode betterhouse is one of the big questions that intrigue astronomers.

It could even have exploded already and even though its effects in the form of light and radiation are traveling towards us, it may take several hundred years to arrive, although most astronomers believe that this is still several thousand years away, but it is something Inevitable.


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