An incredible ability

An incredible ability


There is a new advance in the investigation of Hydractinia, which are small tube-shaped animals that live in the shells of hermit crabs and that you can see in the image, which has great ability and can regenerate everything in just over a week. his body from only his head.

You just have to imagine that great ability so that from our head or our brain we could regenerate a new youthful body, this little bug does it and more interesting, according to the researchers the superpower of Hydractinia may be hidden in human genetics , since both she and we evolved during a common past that arose about 600 million years ago and was capable of complete regeneration.


The last step in the investigation of this very interesting being was taken by researchers from the United States National Institutes of Health, who managed to sequence the hydratinia RNA, not to be confused with DNA, and DNA has the genetic code but DNA needs of the RNA to transmit it.

RNA is essential to create new cells and in the case of Hydractinia it is very interesting since its RNA must have special qualities to be able to transmit the information that allows their bodies to regenerate so quickly, the researchers detected that just at the moment in which the hydratinia As his body began to regenerate, a molecular signature associated with the biological process of aging appeared.

According to the researchers, their work demonstrates that the fundamental biological processes of healing and aging are intertwined, providing a new perspective on how aging in living things, including humans, evolved.

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