
Hae Hive community, let us talk about giving and receiving compliments.

Compliments in simple terms are sincere admirations of an individual or an object and in most times, expressed verbally with a smile.

I know I will have many people in my category who are poor at giving compliments. Many times, we feel awkward giving out compliments in fear that a different meaning would be read to who we are complimenting. A good number of times, we struggle to give compliments and when we eventually hold the compliments back, it becomes a struggle in our hearts with occasional regrets and a fewer times, some consolations. There are times we eventually give the compliments and the recipient feels elated and with a smile reassures us they do appreciate and a few other times, they give hugs when complimented. I will not deny that there are times that compliments are actually not acknowledged or appreciated. These experiences should not stop us from relieving our hearts by giving those compliments either they are appreciated or not.

A couple of times, we do some works and we feel our works are unnoticed or not worth appreciating. Sometimes, we act timidly thinking our efforts are mediocre or not worth complimenting. These and many more comes to us like a shock when we get complimented for what we have done or who we are. These unexpected compliments as we may feel underserving brings some delay in responding to those compliments.

And, there are a few people who just dislike being complimented. They may feel sabotaged or mocked when compliments are given to them. Some people do feel they just need to work and achieve their goals without anyone acknowledging their efforts.
Compliments should be appreciated irrespective of the giver or the genuineness. We should equally give compliments most times when the recipients are deserving and, even if it is to encourage someone. It is also a good habit to appreciate a work or individual prior to criticism one may have against such.

I hope we can improve on giving and receiving compliments. 🤗

Thank you for your time. Would be glad to read your thoughts in the comments section

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