POB: The Power in Powering UP your POB


There is an inherent power in powering up your #pob, so many advantages to you and those around you who you choose to read their creative content and upvote.

That's why when early on I realised this strength and how I could add value to my upvote to others users content, which I enjoy reading from, I feel there is no better feeling than being in a position to show a little appreciation through my upvotes, this empowered me to power at every opportunity.

For constant users of the #proofofbrainio front end this can take on so many benefits, your staked tokens give you influence on how well you can reward the work of other great authors in the community and in turn earn rewards for curation, reduce liquidity and provide an accumulation of wealth for yourself over time.

Building a self sustainable presence on the blockchain is never easy, nobody said it would be, or at least that's how the song goes, but more so over longevity.


The more you put in the more you get out is a saying for a reason, that's not a song or at least I don't think it is yet.

Either way think long term, what you can benefit and the type of long lasting impact you can have on the community and it's users.


Power up, write creative content, comment, engage, curate and get exposure these all go hand in hand.

The power in powering up is a proof of brain that some haven't fully comprehended yet, think outside the box, explore new things and sometimes do things you have never done before, you might just be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.

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