POB: Growth through Awareness


Proof of brain has one of the most welcoming communities on the hive blockchain were we get to earn cryptocurrency by creating original content and through engagement and curation via our staked earnings, there is simply no better format.

but recently I have noticed that people have observed that engagement has decreased in the community since the engagement project was recently discontinued and delegations are being returned.

Lets do something about that shall we

So I decided to do a twitter campaign POB: Growth through awareness , from the #POB community to gain further awareness for our amazing community amongst the massed on big tech platforms in the hope of creating further awareness and new user adoption.

How this will work is as follows, I will give the first 10 people that share the corresponding tweet that I share in the comments section below on their twitter feed and then tag me in the tweet and tag #pob one of my first #pob exclusive NFTs on payout of the post and confirmation that you followed the rules as will be set out below.

These NFTs are currently in development



  1. share or retweet the tweet shared in the comments below on your twitter feed

  2. Tag me @Jaxsonmurph and tag #proofofbrain.io in that tweet

  3. Follow me on Twitter/ I will follow back

  4. Copy the link to that tweet and share it in the comments

  5. Drop your Wax Addy

I doesn't get much simpler than that.

Lets come together in a joint effort to bring more awareness to the #pob community to make more people online aware of pob and the amazing community we use each day and grow awareness together.

At present There is no referral link as such on the pink pob front end, I believe this may have been added to the blue brain version by @leprecaun, if so you should maybe also post this in your tweet to onboard more users as they become aware of the proofofbrain community.

Those that would like can follow my journey and join me on the #pob community HERE I will also be sharing this post on multiple platforms to gain some awareness, feel free to do the same with your own articles if you wish, it will only help drive curiosity and further adoption and growth.

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