The Greatest Motivator of All Times

Photo by Greg Raines on Unsplash

Inspiration. Motivation. Encouragement. These are all crucial to our success.

We often get inspired by someone else because that person is successful in what he/she does or he/she is doing something specific that inspires us.

But just to be inspired by someone else is not enough. It might be the spark. It lights that fire within us to also want to do something. We feel the excitement.

But as soon as you get started you realize that it is not always a bed of roses. It's not all that easy to keep those excitement levels high. Well...not all by yourself anyway...

And I think, especially in places like here on the blockchain, many can attest to this. Because creating content is playing a big part in you becoming successful on the blockchain.

Yes, we are all part of communities and these communities are great... But all of this is online...

In reality, it can become a lonely journey and if you are not committed enough, not dedicated enough, it can become a challenge at times...

It's as if we want a cheerleader... We want someone close to us to encourage motivate us!

When we don't know what to come up with for the next post...and then it happens two days in a row...and then three days...

Wow! It would be nice to just have another breath there with you who can assure that "it's going to be okay". Someone who can encourage you and support you by telling you not to give up. Someone you can have a conversation with...and who knows, maybe an idea for your next post comes out of that conversation.

It would be nice, wouldn't it?

Even if you have someone living with you and even if they are supportive of what you do... They often have a job of their own. They come home at night and they are tired. They don't have the energy to now be your cheerleader.

Often you might even find that other people don't take what you do here very seriously. To them...they think it's something like a hobby. I mean...You are just writing some's not a real job. They don't take it seriously.

Have I popped your bubble enough


Your Greatest Motivator

If you are serious about being successful, you cannot afford to wait for someone else to cheer you on.

If that is the case, you are not committed enough yet.

Yes, someone else might inspire you. And often that person wouldn't even be aware of the fact he/she is an inspiration to you. And that's good.

After that, to have someone to motivate and encourage you is great.'s awesome! But it's not a given... You cannot rely on that.

To have someone to motivate and encourage you every day is nice to have. But commitment from in yourself is a must.

So, first, you need that commitment. You are going to do this, no matter what!

Now, we all do need that motivation. We need encouragement. And there is nothing wrong with that.

But often we have to create our own motivation instead of waiting for other people to motivate us.

And your greatest motivator is...RESULTS.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Now please, when I say "results"...don't expect to go out there and make a million dollars in your first year!

Start with something small.

A great example of this is something I saw in the #CTP community. I've seen it recommended by @jongolson to set your first target to earn $2.74 per day.

Now, this might not sound like making big money. But when you start doing some calculations, you'll see that $2.74 adds up to $1000.00 in one year.

That is $1000.00 you didn't have. In other words, to be successful, your first goal is to make $1000.00 in 1 year.

You might even achieve this goal in less than 1 year. But the goal is to achieve making $1000.00 within a year.

Now, start keeping track of your results...daily, weekly, and monthly.

See how your RESULTS are improving. After about 3 or 4 months, compare your results with how you were doing 3 or 4 months earlier.

This is extremely important seeing that you are still working with small goals. If you don't keep track of your results and see how they are improving, you might not even realize how much progress you have made and decide to quit...because you "can't see anything happening"...

No! It is happening. You are the one who is not paying attention. You are not looking! You might be an inch away from achieving your goal when you decide to quit...all because you didn't track your results and therefore you didn't know.

So, there you have it. Start working towards results. When you see those results manifesting right before your own eyes, you will get so motivated, you won't need anybody else to motivate!

And let me let you in on another little secret...

Many people might not even be paying attention to what you are!

"Oh yes...he's writing some stuff online. Shame. I suppose it's a nice little hobby and it keeps him busy".

But wait until they see your results. When your results start becoming visible to the people around you, things start changing.

Then everybody wants to know what you are doing. Then, what you start hearing is "Hey, this guy is a writer, you should read his stuff".

And they would probably ask you to teach them how to do it too. They would now look at you to motivate them.


It's nice when you have someone to motivate you.

But don't rely on people to motivate and encourage you.

Create your own motivation by working towards results and start monitoring those results.

Results are the best motivators of all time.

I hope this helps and thank you for reading my post.

Why don't you share some of your results with us down in the comment section?

Who knows, we might all find some good inspiration from that!

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