Today's Motivational Quote: Thursday June 02, 2023

“When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to happiness that you can give out.”— Eleanor Roosevelt

A Little Information About The Auther

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Was her real name, She was born on October 11, 1884, In America, She was famous for the status of the First Lady of America, her husband's name was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was President of the United States from 1933 to 1945. She got died on November 7, 1962.

My Thoughts On this Quote

This is a very beautiful quote by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, in this quote she told us the importance of giving to others. People might think happiness could be bought with money, But I think real happiness can't be bought, You can only feel real happiness when you help someone in their hard time.

When you will help someone, you will spread happiness in your life, and believe me you will be happier and have more joy in return.

This is what everyone of us should try and learn.

Have a Good Day Everyone

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