POBphotocontest Round #100: Free Round - Knives and Ice

Greetings from North-West, South Africa!

As many of you probably know @friendlymoose hosts a weekly #POBphotocontest. Each week has a different theme and the contest is open to anyone, which is pretty great if you are a beginner photographer like me!

I have been wanting to do a photo project where I use some of the knives from my collection for a while now.

I sort of feel liken I over reached with this one. The original idea (a knife fully encased in a block of ice) still appeals to me...but due to a lack of proper equipment, and a lot of inexperience on my part, the execution of the idea was an utter fail.
It was, however, a lot of fun, and I feel like I have learnt some things.

Most of these still leave a lot to be desired, but, for the sake of learning and improving (...feel free to hit me with all the constructive criticism, haha) I'll share the ones that turned out mostly okay.

I didn't have a large or deep enough container to create the full block of ice I wanted, instead I used a baking tray from the oven. The red tint is beet juice because I thought it might add an interesting effect to my ice.

These tags used to belong to a friend from primary school, the rust and weathering makes them fun to try and take photos of.

Sometimes I try weird things...like playing with the ice.

The water running down the blade was very beautiful, in my opinion.

Well, that's it!
Till next time!

I will also occasionally post some of my better photos on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hellsveiah/

Credit : All photos are my own, taken using Nikon D5000 camera
Banner created using Adobe Express

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