Stable Coin


Hello dears friends.

Stable Coin Research Institute CEO Anthony Di Iorio told CoinDesk that this sort of tool is “transformative,” even if, at present, there’s not enough use-cases for it to justify its continued development.

“The design that you see today, you’ll see [them] be deployed in the next couple of years, and it’s revolutionary,” he said.

Tokens’ impact

In addition, the researchers found, that in spite of the lack of alternatives in place, the token itself has contributed to the ecosystem, perhaps even more than the projects that use it.


In the blockchain ecosystem, two goals are often served: one is to reward the participants in the network; the second is to give investors some ownership in the system, the researchers wrote, adding that the token ecosystem performs the latter role – but at a cost.

Though the tokens could theoretically be sold for “any number of reasons,” the researchers note, in practice they “are usually traded for a specific purpose,” and the adoption of a token is usually associated with a specific cause.



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