POB Photo Contest; Close-Up

Hi friends, I decided to hop onto the #POBPhotocontest for the week with the theme close-up.

Its the season for mangoes and being a lover of mangoes, its a beautiful time for me.
Surprisingly, mangoes have become so expensive this year mostly due to the inflation and as such I have not yet had my fill this year because I have to spend so much to achieve this and I don't have that luxury.

Regardless, there is this mango tree within my school compound and I am patiently waiting for the mangoes to ripe. I went up to the tree and took this picture for the contest.

It didn't require any special technique to capture or rather, I did not make use of any special techniques. I selected the low hanging ones and captured them since they would be easier.
I did this using my android phone.

I decided to edit and give it a ripening appearance, lol.

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