Introductory post

Hello everyone,my is marvelous Henry is my pleasure to my one of the member in the hive community,though for a long time a friend as introduce but I couldn't participate just because of the limited time schedule in the office

I'm from Nigeria and presently I'm still in th country,just planning to change environment very soon


I'm a very calm and gentle man but I don't like cheating, I love interacting with people and also walk with mostly the wise one to ensure I gain more knowledge which I believe I'm in the right please for that.

Once again I'm also a footballer lover I love anything that do with sport, especially with people that have more experience.

I believe I'm going to benefit slot from this community and i also promise to join in the development of the community as well.

Once a gain I thanks all the old member that I met and people that as being working so hard to ensure their is progress in the community because that is what brought someone like us to here.

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