Hello everyone, if only he (the dog owner) was here now I would scold him and ask "Whose dog is this, you're lying! He said it's only 10 days, how come up to a month?!"

How can I be patient if I am being lied to and fooled by this poor dog owner. Hewn should know that my intention is only to help and don't make me the dog's caretaker for the rest of this dog's life.

Sorry if I'm too emotional but you absorb this story. I'm sure you are in my position, you will definitely be angry if you are lied to for a long time.

I am really angry but seeing a dog that only knows to eat and eat, this heart still can't let it starve. I went to the house where the dog was caged and locked, it looked like the dog was happy with my arrival.
I did not come empty handed, I brought rice which I mixed with crushed chicken liver and fried chicken bones

Noticed that he seemed very hungry, hopefully the owner will come home soon and take care of him again.

Thank you for those of you who want to read my writing and now my heart is a little relieved.

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