Learn Brainly Photography

It has been revealed what my goals are and what I have to do from now until a time that I have not yet determined. I want to be a photographer and because of that, I have to have a camera phone anywhere in my hand.

This afternoon I walked to buy side dishes for my dinner menu. Luckily this afternoon was very sunny and I met many residents around my boarding house for a walk, I saw they really liked the atmosphere this afternoon.

My heart invites my hand to get the moments.
If I'm honest, I'm a little embarrassed to carry out the action, but the other side of my heart strengthens me "this is the mentality that a photographer must do!"

Luckily I followed my good heart and shamelessly took my cell phone out of my trouser pocket and learned to use the grid lines.

Intrigued by the results of my shots this time? Maybe the result is not good but I am ready to be insulted.

The following are photos taken by amateur photographers and there are not many words other than enjoy them. Please comment so I can fix the flaws.

Thank you very much for your time, keep the spirit even with modest capital.

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