Dwarf Jumping Spiders, maybe?

Actually I'm also embarrassed, I just posted about a week about jumping spiders. As someone who still likes to write, sometimes looking for ideas, I find it difficult to come up with ideas or insects to write about later.

While walking, I put these naughty eyes, sometimes there are things that I like, but the busy atmosphere makes me discourage myself. Not a few of my postigan came alone.

Like this jumping spider, he fell on top of my hands. Without further ado, I slowly took out my old cellphone and I immediately aimed at it.

My jumping spiders were relatively small this time, but I still like taking pictures of them. Because this jumping spider doesn't feel panic when I take as many pictures as I like. This short opportunity, I took ten pictures and I put them all in my post this time.

Maybe the picture I took this time is not good, I just resigned to the way readers judge it.

I don't expect more with my shortcomings. Enjoy the shots a la street children like me.

Thank you very much to all my friends who have taken the time this time.

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