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Letter To Ghana-part 2

Dear Ghana,
This is part-2 of my letter to you. In my first letter, I bemoan the inhumane conditions the bastards have subject us to. I hope you remember why I call them bastards.

In my previous letter to you, I promise to write back to you and give you hope on how your true sons intend to liberate you once again.
As you wait on us to liberate you from our misleaders, I'd like to inform you that your children are indeed resilient and the most hard working children ever to walk on Asaase Yaa. Your children are always seen rain or shine hustling to put a morsel on the table. In-fact, your children are never lazy but circumstance around them make people to perceive them as lazy.

Mother Ghana, when your children were given options to choose between the bullets and the ballot, they opted for the ballots because they believe it is better option where rulers would be held accountable and the plight of the subaltern re-echoed to the world. Your sons are beginning to complain how stinking the ballots(democracy) has become. They are not saying the ballots stinks because it's by its nature stinking, no! They believe it has become stinking because the ballots is not a precursor to development but rather the leadership and system put around the ballots that ought to serve as a driving force for development.

In other to liberate you, some of your noble children believes that the concept and idea of using the ballots should be abolished and replace with another intolerant elements In as much as I disagree with them, I believe their beliefs is as a result of the stinking nature of the ballot.

I'm one of those who believe you can be liberated through the rise of the subalterns through civil disobedience, strikes, demonstrations and the use of the same stinking ballots to change the current crop of leaders. The current system does not want civil disobedience and has use the Media to preach about peace yet their boys and foot soldiers are on rampage defying the sanctity of our courts that served as the Citadel of Justice.

Dear Ghana I'd like to end here and write to you again in the near future.
Your Son @ghanaba Letter To Ghana-part 2