POBphotocontest New Round: YELLOW

Hello Photography Friends,

Welcome to the weekly contest hosted by @friendlymoose. If you want to join, you can read the rules here.

This week it's all about yellow. I take you with me under the surface and present you a yellow frogfish. Hold your breath ... Here we go splash

The frogfish is a member of the anglerfish family. It sit's down and lures it's prey with a little angler. When the prey is in sight, the catch itself is made by the sudden opening of the jaws. They suck the prey inside and it can happen in 6 milliseconds!
The ones with bright colors are easy to spot, but sometimes they camouflage themselves. Most of the time they don't move much. The can swim and sometimes you can see them crawling on the floor or rocks.

Good luck to everyone!

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