I hate short people - they're clearly inferior



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I will make you understand

As a tall, bulky person, it always disgusts me when I'm walking around, relieving stress in a shopping spree, when a short person walks by me. I immediately take a step back. Look at them! They're like... Undeveloped. Overgrown infants. Clearly, something went wrong in their family's DNA. How could they be considered actually evolved human beings when they are as fragile as twigs? They're just like weasels.

Maybe you'd think I am a jackass for saying this. You're probably angry at me. But am I wrong? What do you think of me for defining short people as something beneath myself? Maybe you'd think I'm crazy. Or that I'm an asshole. My brain must be fucked up. Either way, you obviously think something is very wrong with me. But have you considered, for even one second, that I should be in jail for posting this opinion?


Because some people around me don't like how I express my disgust for short people. But it's probably in a different way than how you feel about me. They don't see me as mentally ill. They want to lock me up. Not in a mental institution, but in an actual jail. Yes, that's right. They want to push me behind prison bars for years to come. For trash talking short people! Do you think they're right?

Do you think people should be able to put me in prison just because I express how much I hate these damn weasels from the depths of my soul? You are feeling emotional right now. You want me to pay, but clearly, this is not something the law usually covers. Hate for short people. Haha! Lucky for you, there is already a law covering moral damages, so people in my society can, in fact, make me pay for saying these things. Jail is obviously going too far, but a humongous fee I have to pay? That's fair enough. That will shut me up unless I want to lose all of my assets.

Can you imagine if they actually passed a law protecting short people? You wake up in the morning, turn on the TV, the news anchor is talking about how a new law protecting short people from insults against their height has been passed. What would you think of it? Hysterical, huh! Weasels would actually get laws tailored just for them. They are not regular humans, so they get what they deserve. Fucking sub-humans.

I expect this will happen soon. No longer will me and them be under the same laws. Just put them on a god-damn leash or something to go along with it. Have them on a different neighborhood. You know the drill. Just do the same things people are doing against black people. Turn weasels into less-than-humans by applying different laws between us and them.


Everyone matters

Racism is a tale enforced by media to push the idea that black people are inferior to white people. Young humans are highly influenceable. If a white, privileged kid keeps hearing black people are treated differently as they grow up, they are more likely to give black people special treatment. Disliking somebody because of their skin color is as dumb as disliking somebody because of their height.

Insisting racism is a big deal pushes inequality in the future. People who insist in judging based on others' appearances are mentally ill or just plain dumb. Stop treating these intellectually challenged people as if they were intelligent. Avoid their awkward conversations and ideas. "Fighting racism" equals thinking there is a war between black and white people. A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth until we break the chain of events.

People do not have to feel the need to be recognized as equals, no matter what they look like. We are all in the same species and that's all there is to it. Do not allow a black person to believe they should feel acknowledged as equal, because that means this person feels inferior to others, which they aren't, so they do not need to feel acknowledged as equal.

"The war against racism", as media perpetuates, only leads into black people feeling inferior. Stop taking "racism" ideology seriously. Start recognizing prejudice as stupid. Prejudice against one group of people (i.e. short people) is not worse or better than prejudice against any other group (immigrants, gingers, black, white). There is no black people, there is no white people.

We are all people. If you say "black people need to be recognized as equals", you are saying "black" and "white" are not in the same category. You are saying, "black is below white." So don't say it. Equality begins within you.

The idea of "black people" has worked in the past to kick-start fighting for equal rights when there were none, but this fight can't stop there. Specially now that the law does cover those rights, so adapt, because the problem is social now. Start saying "I can have this because we are equals" instead of "I want to be equal so I can have this."

Image 1's source, image 2's source, image 3's source

I've decided I should spell it out just in case: if you got this far, yay! You haven't assumed I'd be an idiot. But do you understand the point of my post actually has absolutely nothing to do with height or hate? It elaborates how people put themselves on a lower level when they follow the racism narrative pushed by the media, it explains the psychology behind it and it also offers a way to break this chain.

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