Brain Power Up Day - the 2nd of every month


Most of you are already acquainted with Hive's Power Up Day. I am hosting today something we should see frequently! How about we start Brain Power Up Day on the 2nd of every month, a power up day of our own? Because it's right next to Hive's, it's easy to remember, yet they don't interfere with each other. Unlike HPUD, which is more restrictive, only people whose reputation is below 25 can't participate in BPUD.


Since I'm kickstarting this idea, I will provide today's reward funds (although you can chip in as a sponsor). That is a total 30 POB, plus half of this post's author rewards. Rewards should be even higher next month, even if I'm still the only one hosting/adding to the prize pool.


The total prize pool is distributed evenly among up to 10 randomly selected participants who power up at least 10 POB, make a 14-line (or longer) post about it and comment on this post, all before the day is over (23:59 UCT). I apologize for posting this a tad bit late into the day, but imo it's better than waiting for whole other month to go by.

Winners are announced seven days from this post's creation, but you must power up and comment today. Uh, unsure how UCT works against your time zone? Just search for "uct time" in google. A widget will tell you what is the current UCT time from the search results page itself, so you don't have to enter any additional links.

image source: the best POB logo so far and @caluman's line separation thingy

PS: I will also upvote your posts.