You curate posts, but do you curate who you follow?

Again, as it seems to be my style, I have once again been motivated to write based of someone elses much better blog. of @madstacks I only follow less than 30 people and its GOOD

So when I first started I was, as all people tend to be, very new and very naive. I followed anyone who passed a vote my way and before i knew it I had over 100 people I was following. Unfronutily this means my feed was a mess of people, not messy people, just a mess of concepts I was not really that interested in myself.

As such, I was never using my feed and it was not until madstacks post I realised how cluttered it was, so i cleaned it down to...90 ! Ok bear with me this is the start of a long journey, not the end but I thought i would share my steps I took (this is my own approach based on my preferances!). I want to be clear what my aim was and guiding principle "how can I best find posts I can engage with in a meaningful way"

  1. Remove all the rebloggers. I have no problem with reblogging but some people reblog everything (and some are bots who are meant to) and it really adds a lot of chaos to the feed. The odds are low that the post reblogged will be something I can add value to. Also most of the people I follow will reblog occasionally so I still get fresh content and ideas.
  2. Remove those in languages I don't know and don't translate to my language. This is not because I think posts should be in English! It's because I am not as skilled as a lot of bloggers here who know many languages, therefore I cannot engage and add value to their posts, I could blindly upvote but that feels wrong. I would hope they would do the same to mine if they don't understand English!
  3. Topics, while I have a variety of tastes and am fine when people explore different things, some people like to blog about one thing. That is great that they have a passion but if you blog about motorcycles all day I can't really engage and add value
  4. Posting, if you never post then how can I engage.

Ok hopefully this was taken in the right vain and people understood who I was applying it and the reason why!

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