My feelings at reaching 1000 POB

So I just crossed the line to 1000 staked POB and I am going to be honest feel pretty proud.

I did not jump into this project from the start, I was not one of first commenters on POB opening post but I did find POB fairly early.

One of the selfish things things that drew me to POB was it was new, I am new to HIVE and so many great projects make me feel like I missed the boat, or a full of whales and experts. Here was a project I could get in on at the ground floor.

However the more I learnt the more I get drawn in, a place with no strict rules yet with a strong feel and direction. A place I would ramble on about the things I like and learn something new around every corner.

At one stage I found out I was in the top 25 and I suddenly felt this unexpected feeling of responsibility. My HIVE gives a 10th of a cent, my POB vote can give 3 POB and maybe start someone on thier own POB journey.

Suddenly I was thinking about how much vote I should give out, how much did this post make me think (my own personal metric not saying it's the right one!). I was checking new on Proof of Brain to see who I could give a boost to.

So thank you POB for making a small little fish feel a sense of community ownerships, a sense of guidance, a sense of fun.


Photo is my own

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