The power of words and Affirmation

I am sure a lot of us know how much power we carry in our words and we see that every day with the way internet trolls attack people online with their words, they cause serious harm from sadness to depression ,even as far as suicidal ideation and in some case suicide. I haven't been a victim but I have seen people change for the worst just because of how much power these words have over them.

Even the Bible says you can speak both life and death into anything, when I heard that I found it weird... Like why and how will I speak death to anything and times and experience has shown that yes you absolutely can, even in the simplest of things.

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I remember when I was still in school and I wasn't getting good guys, always going into relationships with losers and cheaters I just always conclude that dating losers was my life so even when I am about to go into a relationship I already tell my friends how it is going to end badly because it seems I attract only losers and the relationship would end badly.

Until I realized how I was using my words to hurt my relationship and immediately altered my mindset so I started using words like “ I am meeting my soul mate soon”, I am going to be loved completely, lots of positive lovely words of exactly how my love life should be and guess what I met my now husband just after the new mindset shift.

The difference was clear, my negative words made me sad, frustrated, and hopeless while my positive words made me hopeful, happy and somewhat fulfilled even when I hadn't met the person yet..that is exactly what the power in our words can do.

So when you are having conversations about yourself or anyone in general try using positive words, no negative energy, those positive words we use in conversations may just be words to you but it goes a long way in our lives.

The same thing with affirmations too, it is very useful when we begin to have negative thoughts about different issues. We use our words in our conversations in friends or family but affirmations we use in our closet for instance if I am having a bad day everything just seems wrong and I begin to get angry I immediately begin to affirm these words to myself

“I Am in control of how I feel and I choose to be calm”

I say it over and over and somehow I forget why I was initially angry or frustrated. I think there is a scientific definition for it, how two things of opposite energycannot stay in the same space at the same time I hope I am correct. well so is our thought, using words of affirmation distracts us from the problem and makes things better somehow.

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But I won't say it is easy just speaking words and expecting change especially when all your life all you see is negativity in everything, with constant practice of using our words and determination it would begin to change that mindset. All you need to do is

  • write down your affirmation.
  • Ensure it is short and something you can memorize.
  • Ensure it is in present tense e.g I am healthy, I am strong, I am happy e.t.c.
  • Ensure it is positive and use it often by repeating it out loud daily.

I Always try to recognize scenarios where I tend to think or act negatively and try to change those negative energy with my words because going into anything or a situation with a negative attitude doesn't benefit only makes life so hard and unpleasant.

There is power in our words so use it wisely.

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