You Got Here Because of Past, You will Go in Future Because of Today

Each day we make some sort of the movement. And movement makes the most of our future. Everything done today kind of setup the movement of the future. Most of the time we have to take enough actions to move slowly towards the better future. So you have to change your actions today. It helps if you can realize how that would work. So I wanted to put up a post that can explain how that would work.

Another thing that I want to add to my content was how the past and present actions collectively work. But I would write about that some other day.


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So today let's discuss how the past actions keep us here and current actions push us into the future.


What got you here was the Past

When you eat some heavy sugar today, in few weeks you would notice the change in your body. And that would go for the weight and the blood sugar too. So collectively you can say what is done on regular basis adds up. And each past action that you do brings you here and now in near future you would add up with the existing action to the future. Past is always reflections of our actions or the actions that happened to us.

You need to work on every action you take today that could build the future of yours. I have realized that when you work with that plan you learn where you stand. So learn from past but don't stay there. Past matters but it does not matter that much that it could take away everything in your life.


What takes You in future is now

Your today has a lot of value. Every hour you do something that could help your future. You have to realize this as a fact. You have to focus on the future such way that you do something that today and future would benefit you in turn. Another thing that you may notice is that when you do health changes that would immediatel be reflecting your present and the future too. So it all is kind of connected as you move ahead with the each present step towards future.

What you want to change in the future? And how do you want to see that changing in the near future? And what you want to do or choose to do in present? You have to think of those things and then start doing what you can today and not worry about past and the future at the same time.


You can't skip the steps

You may feel like going into the future directly by steping into some magic step in the future. But that is something you have to understand by disappointing yourself often. You have to understand that steps simply can't be skipped. You have to take the heat of the past, present and that is where the future is going to be slow and steady. You have to understand that doing the right steps at a time.

It feels like you are skipping the steps but that is not how it works. You get to do stuff and realize what could work about the future and what may not work specific to the present. Slowly one by one you would have to work without skipping the steps.


You need action over wishes

You may want to be rich, you may want to marry someone rich and have family. But those are just wishes and not something many people prefer when it comes to the reality. You have to think of the world as an action cascade and not the wish machine. You do something about it and you earn it and that does not always turn into reality. You end up making wrong set of the choices and that could only make your life nothing but bunch of wishes.

How you choose to turn your life from wish to the reality, that would mean that you are not just wishing upon things and actually doing something about it. It may take time but you understand how we do things. Start doing things instead of wishing for it.



As they say what got you here wont' take you there.You have to constantly keep on changing and keep on building your life. Not all the people can change the life for better. We have to think of the changes and keep doing them as often as required.

Do you make changes to everyday life and try to build better future?

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