Slow & Imperfect Progress is REAL Progress

I am not a perfect person. In fact I am one of the slow people out there. Like I don't have the most promising career. I have no immediate family of my own. Apart from parents I literally have nothing to show for it. And as per society that makes my progress slow and imperfect. But does that mean it's lost cause? Absolutely not. Sometimes slow is better than being chaotic but progressive.

Like there are many who have went with time and had their set of the progress but they seem to have chaotic life now. As in with time they aged and lost the rhythum. But not all people have to be like that when they are moving. I have realized that going slow and the imperfect have helped many people in their life.


Image Credit: Unsplash

So let's discuss how to work with real progress no matter slow and imperfect it could be.


Movement is Necessary

You may feel like stopping everything and not moving at all. You may feel like not making any form of moves in life. And that could mean that you lack the movement. Which is something you have to change as the movement is what makes the real progress.

If you want to lose weight. Keep moving from one room to another. If you want to be rich, no matter how small start accepting work. If you want to have happiness, stop getting into unhappy things. It all start with some sort of movement towards what you want.

If you choose to go the other side you would get that result too. So movement matters and also the direction of that movement matters too. It depends on how you choose in either case you know the results. You just have to find out how those movements matter in your own case.

Failed Steps are Still the Steps than No Movement

You may feel like losing on the steps wastes your life and time. That may be true. but imagine you failed and not lost in it. Like you may not be rich but imagine being rich and then falling for something that could take everything away from you. So yeah failed steps are not lost. It's something you do have to go through in order to reach the final part of the process. So you have to think of this as a part of the movement and not the lack of movement.

No movement is what is the problem. You taking movements and having the failure in it does not mean you are going into the problem. You have to understand what can work and what should be the case with then movement needs to be understood. So movement matters if you want to change your life.

You Learn from Failed Decisions than No Decisions

Failure teaches us a lot of things. Like you learn how the failure was caused. And how those failure related things need to be changed. Your decisions have to change too. Because that gives you more data to work as well. You have to make sure to change your failed deciions and then build on them. Because unlike the success, the failure requires a lot of data to chagne and each person being different you can't do much. So failed decisions have some strong data for your life too.

You have to take some decisions in order to learn how they impact you. And some of the times you have to learn from decisions of other people. That would give you more exposure over the failed decisions and the good decisions.

You Find New Opportunities

You may find new opportunities if the failed decisions make you check for other places. Like you realize that new opportunities can be good for your life if you know how and when to approach them. Some of the time new opportunities only come in when you start looking. Because sitting at courch and then sleeping in bed would never give you the opportunities. So make sure to change the way opportunities arrive in your life and not wait for them.

Most of the time people don't focus on the opportunities but often do the work to be around them. Like say you do the photography specific to certain things that would give you relative gigs. So you go towards the opportunities when you actively work towards the same.


Slow is not the problem as long as you keep moving. Imperfect is not the problem if you are learning from the problem. So you do things and realize what gives you the most outcome based on your efforts. So start changing that pattern.

Have you realized the value of being slow and imperfect? How have you changed so far?

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