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USING LOGIC to counteract Acts for regulations on terms.

Premises and their natural consequences.

  • No child - without exception - does experience manhood and womanhood.
  • Since no child does experience it,
  • only adults experience manhood and womanhood.

  • The one - and only - entrance of becoming to experience manhood and womanhood is puberty.
  • Since each and every child enters puberty,
  • there is neither enforcement nor allowance for it to happen,
  • since puberty happens without permission or forbiddance.

  • Since each and every puberty happens without permission and without forbiddance,
  • puberty happens beyond neither a pubescents, nor any other persons mind power.

  • Since puberty can neither be permitted nor forbidden,
  • there is neither a right to experience puberty,
  • nor is there a non-right to experience puberty.
  • Since there are no rights or non rights connected to puberty, puberty happens outside of any legal measurement whatsoever.

  • Puberty is the starting point to further experiencing manhood and womanhood, both sexes go on from there.
  • Since all experiences go on from there, they happen "all life long".
  • The natural end of this lifelong experience of womanhood and manhood is personal death.
  • Since death ends all experiences of manhood and womanhood.

  • Puberty begins at young age and it ends at young age.
  • Since puberty is related to age,
    you cannot not halt, delay and block its relationship to age.
  • Since every human being ages, being of non-age is impossible.
  • Since non aging is impossible, interruption of puberty is impossible.

  • Since you cannot not make your sex organs grow faster, slower, or not grow, or grow, at all, by will, you hinder or create their growths through radical external medical intervention.
  • Since there are no non-radical medical interventions for the non-growth or growth of breasts, uterus, penis, testicles, Adam's apple, etc.,
  • there are only radical chemicals and scalpel.

  • Since there are only radical chemicals to hinder or grow breasts, uterus, penis, testicles, Adam's apple, eggs and sperms,
  • all use of radical chemicals will have a radical destructive, if not irreversible effect.
  • Hindering or artificially making sex organs to grow, means to destroy the becoming of a boy into a man, and to destroy the becoming of a girl into a woman.

  • If manhood and womanhood is an ever on going experience,
    whatever is said which counts for an experience of manhood or womanhood, can only be said in retrospective.

  • It cannot be told in pre-perspective.

  • Since it is a rule of life ,

  • which can neither be
    allowed nor not allowed,

  • womanhood and manhood are no legal terms, nor are they to be understood as stand alone words,

  • but they are natural processes.

  • Since womanhood and manhood are not legal terms, the law logically cannot determine how these terms or other additional terms associated with the origin of the sexes are to be used.

In the same way, it is illegitimate to put other natural processes under law and regulate the use of terms. The usage of terms cannot be under legal authority.


The seasonal terms are nouns of descriptive nature for an event, taking its time.

Imagine, you would author a book in which you say that
"spring time" is being called "autumn", and you say that if one does not read "spring time" as "autumn", that his reading will be incorrect.

Now, you'd not know which of these two would be meant, if you'd not been given the context. If, on the other hand, no context is given, you'd put the context in yourself.

When one sentence says "It was a dark autumn night", you'd imagine brown and orange leaves on the ground, or rain, or storm, or the days becoming dark early. You'd fill the missing context with what you know of autumn.

Now, if the author starts a sentence with "It was spring time" and he goes on with creating an atmosphere of autumn, he'd confuse the reader. The reader will ex out the word "spring" and replace it with "autumn". He'd be correct in doing so.

Picture source: My own (watercolor on canvas)