Well Dressings, Cows, the Boat House and More Bloody Rain!

For the past few weeks, villages in my county have been involved in the long tradition of 'well dressing' where our wells, springs, and other water sources are thanked and decorated. This dates back to Roman times.

There are different themes every year, and everything is made from natural materials. I'm not sure who chooses the themes. Last year, we had Tutankhamen, and this year, we have lepers!

My village well dressing is always at the sheep dip which was used until 1920. The local sheep were dipped here for one shilling per sheep.

After looking at the well dressings, I carried on past the boat house on the lake. They say ducks like wet weather but there wasn't one duck in sight.

It had started to rain quite heavily by now, so some of the cows had found shelter under the trees. I think I was spotted ...

I've walked past this cottage many times, and it's only recently that I've noticed it has a post box in the front garden. I don't think it is in operation, though. I wouldn't appreciate someone walking up my drive to post a letter.

Even though the weather has been shite we are getting a few red admiral butterflies appearing on the buddlehia. At least there wasn't any thunder and lightning as forecast. I must confess, I'm slightly disappointed ...

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