A Circular Walk Around Clumber Park Lake, Nottingham

It was a nice day with lovely blue sky so we visited Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire. The park itself is beautiful, with lots of old trees to look at. We decided to walk around the lake which is just over three miles.

Back in 2018, the ornate bridge that is around 200 years old and Grade II listed, was intentionally vandalised when a car was deliberately driven into it.
Thankfully, it has now been restored to its former glory

Black headed gulls perched on a dead tree trunk in the lake, with a pair of nesting great crested grebes at the bottom of the tree.

When you walk through the wood, you can hear many birds, including woodpeckers.

It was a nice flat walk and good that the sun has returned. There was plenty to see with the lake, gardens, woods and wildlife.

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