India's Moon Quest and Why


India has successfully achieved a soft lunar landing, marking a significant milestone for the country. Moon landing isn't a new thing to the world, but this particular one seems to be bringing something new to the game of space exploration, and that is water!🌊

One of the missions critical task is to locate water sources on the moon as this would be greatly invaluable if man truly intends to conquer the moon, from production of hydrogen fuel for powering machines to extraction of oxygen for breathing, to even farming, the importance of water for the success of conquering space cannot be overemphasized,and India seems to be spearheading this remarkable feat by mankind.

The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft gently touched down near the moon's southern pole on August 23. This achievement places India in the exclusive group of nations capable of lunar landings, joining the ranks of the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China.

The event took place at 8:33 am ET (1233 GMT or 6:03 p.m. India Standard Time) as confirmed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). After the landing, ISRO chairman Sreedhara Somanath proudly announced, "We have achieved soft landing on the moon! India is on the moon!"

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed the significance of this achievement for humanity, emphasizing that it would contribute to future moon missions by various nations. Modi noted, "I'm confident that all countries in the world, including those from the global south, are capable of achieving such feats. We can all aspire to the moon and beyond."

The successful landing comes after a little over two hours, during which ISRO shared images captured by Chandrayaan-3 during its descent to the moon's surface. The spacecraft established communication with mission control, setting the stage for further exploration.

Source: ISRO

The Vikram lander of Chandrayaan-3 will release a solar-powered rover with the name Pragyan, which translates to "wisdom" in Sanskrit. Before lunar night, which would drain the rovers' batteries, this rover duo will explore the lunar surface for about 14 Earth days, collecting important scientific data.

Indian Physical Research Laboratory director Anil Bhardwaj expressed optimism about the mission's potential to produce novel scientific discoveries.
Chandrayaan-3's achievement holds particular significance as it signifies India's success in its second attempt at landing near the moon's southern pole. This region is of the greatest interest for its potential water ice deposits, valuable for future space endeavors as mentioned earlier.

The success of Chandrayaan-3 aligns with India's aspirations for a flourishing space program, which could result in further remarkable accomplishments. This achievement is poised to inspire the nation's youth and contribute to India's strategic and geopolitical goals.
What do you think, just another wasted effort or a major breakthrough in space exploration?


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My name is Edwin Ifeanyi Louis (eil7304) and I love to write about finance and investing, movies, technology, gaming, fiction and just about any topic that piques my interest on a Blockchain platform called Hive.


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