Tale Of A King Who Sacrificed His Son for Victory

Zeus a mighty king watched in disappointment as his soldiers fell like common men. The gods seem to be against him, the roaring of the thunder was a sign on the clouds. Fear gripped him as he imagined his kingdom been deserted, a kingdom once known to be great and mighty. "No, his kingdom holds a prophecy," he said, it can't be a forgotten city so soon. He climbed to the peak of the tower to take a view of the battlefield, 10,000 of his men were already down, their carcass shattered around the field. He knew his mistake, he was fighting with the chosen people, a city known as a city of the gods. As he bow his head to admit defeat, he remembered the old way, the ancient olds ways which sealed covenants.


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Quickly he called for his first son, the heir to the throne. Though he loved him, he was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. He took him, with tears in his eyes and smashed his head against a wall. The old way seem not to fail, the battle changed in his favor. This opposition seem to be forsaken by their gods, everything became dim and victory turned to the side of king Zeus.

Fear gripped the other group as they observed the barbaric act of king Zeus. Gradually they began to retreat as Zeus's soldiers were winning. The gods seem to have turned in favor of him moved by his sacrifice which opened the ancient portal. Kingdoms, tribes, and kings became afraid of him, if he could sacrifice his son for a kingdom that wouldn't last forever, then he is capable of doing anything to keep it. His name was never forgotten for this deed. He died after many years but never had an heir to take over from him. The kingdom he feared of being deserted was conquered and taken into slavery after his death.

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