Redefining self

Life is never a bed of roses, even the rich at one point needed to scrape some old decor to repaint it to suit their taste. As we grow older, faced with responsibilities, we are encountered with setbacks from either our background or childhood programming which may not be suitable for the future that we desire. Some people live their lives blaming their circumstances on parents and others, they accept the decor of their lives but find solace pointing at others as the cause, but there are few others who take full responsibility of whatever they are, erase all that doesn't suit their future and repaint it to what they desire.

A young man who had had a rough life in his adulthood stood before a mirror and had to define himself. He stared persistently at the young man before him, he didn't look like the version of who he had always wanted to be. Life was indeed unfair to him just like the clouds that get darker when it wants to release a downpour but becomes clear once it has let down the content that made it dark , sometimes displaying a beauty with a rainbow or a sky with colorful colors.

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"Who am I?" He asked the man standing before him in the mirror. It was a time of reflection, a time to redefine who he was. His hair looked tattered, it's been some days he cleaned up, but that didn't matter to him now, it was a moment of change, an interview with self. There were many reasons for him to stay unhappy, genuine cause to blame others for his failures, but with him were a bucket of paints, an eraser, and a brush to redefine his life into something promising.

The young man started to reflect on his childhood. He was a happy child who had dreams of becoming a doctor but the older he grew, the more life stung him with its venom and soon he became a drunk and a sadist. Lost his parents to a deadly illness, struggled but was unable to go to high school, hawked the street selling vegetables to make a living, and it has been one struggle after another. But this day, he was there to wash away the pain and burden of his past and take upon himself a beauty that was different from what his life looks like.

"I am Charles, A doctor that the world would celebrate someday for his unique inventions' ' He replied himself. Now he would no longer live as the Charles whom life had dealt with, but the Charles who's striving to make inventions for the world. He wasn't going to allow his circumstances define him. He breathed in and out as he let go of his past, cleaned himself up and for the first time in many years, wore a suit in a corporate dress setting out to live his new designed life.

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