A free write|| Testing my brain

I don't really know if my brain can analyse matters as fast as it should and does the brain test actually proof how fast we think? Are some born without the ability to think faster or has it not being trained to do so?, So many questions popping on my head. I grew up in a family where I was considered to be the brightest, I never did anything to be outstanding, not at that age of childhood. We all shared same gene but one among the others seems to be smarter, was that Charles Darwin law in display of the most competent in the genetic makeup or some gifting that remains a mystery.


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How do we proof a brain, probably through provocative and thought challenging question or writing I guess. If one fails in this part, does it mean he lacks brain? Alright, that's not possible, being on hive alone shows you have a brain, it's not easy sitting beside a computer and writing from your head everyday. To be able to think alone is enough proof of brain, I remember a friend I introduced on hive once asked me how I keep writing everyday, "I just place my hands on my keyboard, think, and start writing, and that's all." I told him.

Yeah there's a writer block, sometimes we are drained, we feel like going to a solitary place and just sit doing nothing but it comes and go and again we are energize, ideas starts flowing. Alright, this is a brain test, I want to be sure I could write freely, anything, and still have some brain left, haha. One things I love about hive is that one can be free to express himself in a language of his convenience.

Alright, today I have this writer's block but I don't want to accept defeat so I'm writing something. I hope that will be some kind of healing, blowing off the blocks and given space for a clear thought.

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