POBphotocontest New Round: FLYING

Hello people!

One more time I join on Hive the weekly #POBphotocontest photography contest, and this is my fifth time. This is an initiative of @friendlymoose and this week the new round is dedicated to flying, and if we see around what do we see flying? Many options, right? Insects, butterflies, birds, planes, balloons, etc... So here is my new contribution.

FLYING Dragonfly

Every day we see flying things, they surround us and pass over us... but there are others that we cannot always see. In nature there are a variety of animals, and among them many insects that fly, some more familiar and others more special.

There are flies, mosquitoes and some other insects like butterflies around here, but we don't always see dragonflies, although there are some. But I took this photo far away, in a more natural setting, where other more imposing animals stood out, but we also have to look at smaller ones, and if we are lucky, we will get a photo in mid-flight.

This small flying insect is flying towards a branch on which it seems to cling, the wings seem to suspend in the air in a microsecond, and without realizing that we were behind it with the camera, without getting scared or fleeing far at least for that short space of time.

We have not captured it, it flies freely, but we have captured it in an instant in a photograph. All in a flash, fast and almost imperceptible, like the blink of an eye, this dragonfly flaps its wings. But in this photo we have stopped the time, while the dragonfly is flying, flying free (as many of us would like too!).

Thanks for reading! Have an amazing and nice day.

Yellowstone National Park, US🇺🇸❤️North America

The text is totally mine and the photo too, by ©Duvinca and the banners are made by me using Canva.com - NO AI -

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