Hello people!

Here I am again to join to a new #POBphotocontest photography contest, and this is in my eleventh time. And again the initiative of @friendlymoose and this time the new round is building decorations. Lovely topic, and there are so many around us, right? But some of them are really remarkable...
So here is my new contribution for the Proof of Brain photo contest:

BUILDING DECORATIONS of Casa Batlló (by Gaudí)

Thinking about building decorations, I immediately thought of some famous ones, and few buildings are more characteristic for their colorful, original and fantastic decorations and architecture than those of the famous Spanish architect Gaudí, who also designed the Sagrada Familia and the Park Güell in Barcelona.

But there is a monumental and beautiful façade that was also his work, the famous Casa Batlló, on the famous Passeig de Gràcia (avenue) in the heart of the Spanish city of Barcelona.

Few quick photos, of poor quality, between people who pose in front to admire the work of art. There are so many details and decorations, in a unique and spectacular style. You have to look at the stained glass windows fitted in sinuous and irregular but harmonious shapes, with decorated columns and gorgeous balconies that stand out from a façade full of color that also stands out, everything really stands out.

But if we continue to explore the city we find other beautiful facades of elegant and beautiful buildings that also have more sober but also attractive decorations. There is so much to see in so many places...

I wanted to show some of Gaudí's fantastic style, it's a shame not to have more in digital version, and others lost in time and in my memory, but look for them and be amazed in shapes, color and decorations!

Thanks for reading! Have a calm and nice day.

Barcelona, Spain🇪🇸❤️Europe

The text is totally mine and the photo too, by ©Duvinca and the banners are made by me using Canva.com - NO AI -

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