Some ROCKS by the seashore

Although I generally adore mountains, which are basically one big pile of ROCKS, I rarely get the chance to go up one.
Even when I'm on a mountain in the region where I live, I can't see landscapes with magnificent rocks, like the one posted by @friendlymoose in this week's contest post, or like the beautiful rocks that some of my friends have been posting on Hive I follow day by day…

The rocks that I see on those mountains are mostly some smaller rocks, which are hidden behind the trees.

Unlike the mountains, I take the opportunity to go to the sea more often. And at the sea, wherever I am (unless they are miles of sandy beaches), I find some part of the coast with rocks.
The moment when I surrender to my thoughts, while listening to how the sea waves hit those, not too big rocks, brings me relaxation and peace.

Thus, during my stay in Lloret de Mar, Spain, while my friends was taking a break at a nearby beach bar (outdoor cafe Mirador de Llaveries, Cala banys), I found a rock that I climbed.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro

I asked my friend to take a picture of me, while I took a picture of the sea waves crashing into the underwater rocks.

Samsung S23+

When I went to review the pictures we took, in the evening at the hotel, that I realized how important the quality of the camera phone I'm using is.
Unfortunately for me, the picture of me on the rock was taken with a Xiaomi phone with a not good enough camera, but I will still nominate it for participation in this week's #POBPhotocontest, as an example of poor quality photography 😂

You can imagine what that photo would look like if it was taken with the phone camera I used to photograph the waves.

The difference is drastic and it really pays to invest in the equipment we use to take photos, not only for the reason of participating in this or a similar photocontest, but also for our albums, because after all, photography is a lasting memory, so it should be beautiful.

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