Lessons from the Garden: Letting Go

There are actually MULTIPLE things in this video today! hehehe

A new idea for a fun little mini challenge - if people think it's fun? I don't know. hehehe we'll see. If you guys see it in the video - I might put up 100 Hive for the winner and we'll do it in hmmmm 3 weeks. That should give enough time to build it up hehehe Just a one-time challenge I think! Not a weekly thing. If you watch the video - tell me what you think! šŸ˜Š

Then the lessons - well there ended up being two lessons here!

And I think it was really beautifully illustrated from the garden in the most perfect way! I'm continually surprised how many real-life applicable lessons you can learn just be watching plants on a patio! hahaha

Lesson #5

(Are up to 5 already? hahaha I'm kinda losing count!)

When space is limited in your life, remove the things that aren't "earning their space", and redirect your focus to those things that matter. Also - when you remove those "things" it doesn't always mean just TOSS THEM. Sometimes they are GOOD THINGS at the WRONG TIME and WRONG PLACE. Put them elsewhere where THEY can do more good also!

You totally get that right? It doesn't even need much explanation, but I'll show you a kinda... funny/sad example of it on my patio! hehehe Don't be ashamed to laugh at me. I laugh at me all the time! LOL šŸ˜

Lesson #6

When someone is REALLY TRYING, assist! (NOT the fake tryers that just suck away all your energy!!!) but the people who are TRYING that just can't seem to hit the mark - HELP. Cheer them on. Lend a hand. Toss the leeches, but HELP the fighters!

You'll see one of my plants that seriously must have overheard me talking on the phone to @bluefinstudios telling him "this one has to go!!!" hahahaha Because not joking - two days later it pushed out three baby tomatoes! LOL I'm almost positive that I heard it say , "But what about the children? THE CHILDRENNNNN!"

Ok plantie! I spared your children. LOL BUT... I did something lovely for the plant that DID actually have to go. Don't worry - I gave it the absolute HIGHEST HONOR in my garden. I can't tell you - no way. You have to see it in the video hehehe. and... then I'll show you how I did it on Thursday! šŸ˜‹

Tomorrow for my #WednesdayWalk post - I CAN'T participate in my own challenge hahahaha, so... I'll add some MORE fun to the mix. hehehe so if you want another opportunity to win something - come check out my post tomorrow. Will be fun, fun, and more fun I hope hehehe

gifs from giphy.com

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