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POB Contest - Write and win 30 POB!


While a variety of writing styles exist in the blogging world. satire has a special place in many reader's cynical "heart".

In order to encourage more writings in this genre, I created contest.

The rules of the contest are:

  1. Post using the proofofbrain front end.
  2. The style of writing should be clearly satire.
  3. Deadline: Until post payout
  4. Hashtags: Please use these hashtag - Satire
  5. Please only use images from license free and creative commons sites.

Also, community participation by commenting on other participants is encouraged.

Some tips on writing satire:

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit - Keep it short.
  2. The topic can vary from political, lifestyle or crypto.
  3. An example post:

First Prize : 20 POB
Second Prize 10 POB