RE: What are Hive's chances for survival?

I appreciate the response and the sentiment! I do agree with everyone about spam and plagiarized content being a negative- I just believe that this transition period is important and user experience is vital! We need to be a welcoming place to people moving on chain from traditional social media and Hive has a great many unspoken rules that aren't always transparent to those new users. Due to this we need to work out how best to accommodate those users and be understanding as they make that transition. Otherwise they will give up before they make it!

Not everyone is a writer, and not everyone is as outgoing as others. To some people engaging in these sorts of discussions in the comments or writing a blog post is a massive challenge. To some the idea of writing more than a caption for their painstakingly taken photo is horrifying. There is space on our chain for them as well.

To dig deeper into your great wall analogy- doesn't that ancient graffiti have some value in its own right? "Dibs was here" an important message to be read by an anthropologist a thousand years later. Who's to say Hive Shitposts might not be pointed to as an archaic remnant of a burgeoning new economy? Who are we as individuals to judge what is and isn't worthy of blockchain preservation? The posts are there anyway once made- why should we make a habit of running people off chain instead of getting them to actually contribute?

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