It doesn't often happen, but recently I was awakened in the middle of the night with the thought I believe was from God. The thought was:



Even though it was 4:30am, I was so excited about this idea that I couldn't go back to sleep anymore.

What do I believe God means when he says I should not live within my means?

I believe he wants me to act bigger, believe larger and associate higher. He's not saying I should go wild, he's not saying I should have no boundaries, or be reckless.

What he's saying is that I should spend within my means but not live there. He wants me to talk with people smarter than me, listen to those more insightful than me, ask questions to those more successful than me and always lend a hand to those less fortunate than me.

I always believe that many people who think they are frugal really are not but rather, they are full of fear. Frugality, balance, or conservativeness is often a mask used in covering up fear in their lives that are deep-rooted.

In life's journey, we shouldn't just stay where we are because our outlook determines our outcome and consequently, we are to make our plans BIG. However, we shouldn't make such great plans for rainy days that we end up not enjoying today's sunshine.

No matter the level of your ability, you have been given more potential than you can possibly use in your lifetime. You should not let the future be that time when you wish you would have done what you are not doing now. You certainly need to have a dream to make a dream come true.

When you only live within your means, you can never live by faith. If you aren't living by faith, there is no way you can please God.

IF THE SHOE FITS, DON'T WEAR IT. You're obviously not giving room for growth if you do wear it. You have decided to live an average life when you decide to live within your means.

Thanks for reading. Until next time, stay safe and remain blessed.

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