Absolute Freedom

The concept of freedom is often misunderstood and twisted amongst young people, to be specific teenagers.


Nowadays, it's becoming common to come by a person wondering out loud how murder isn't allowed yet or the unnecessary existence of moral rules and laws set by the society. If the words of these people are carefully examined using logic and rational mind, it is simple to point out the flaws in them.
If absolute freedom existed as people wished it could, simply there would be no difference that marks us as beings having higher intelligence than the rest of the living organisms with brains.

Even the concept of absolute freedom is contradictory in itself.

If everyone was free to do anything of his/her interest, including freedom to take away another person's freedom, no one would be absolutely free as another would have the freedom and the will to take it away. If everyone has right to violate other people's right, then nobody would have the right to demand that their rights be respected.

As humans aren't ones who are ruled by nature's exclusive survival law like other animals, our existence would have been that of a continuous bloodshed and chaos. Nobody would have the mindset, time, energy and security to do something other than just trying not to die.
All the technological achievements and advancements of science to sustain a better and comfortable life would've been nothing more than a mere wish because people would've died of starvation, murder and diseases more often than if humans were ruled by these very laws they criticise and see as being oppressive.

This is why the law exists, to ensure the overall wellbeing of the human race.

If thought thoroughly well, being a human is more about restraint and not being driven by impulses, which is one of the reasons why humans stayed as dominant organisms on the planet.

Undeniably, the laws and society's rules may be flawed and need further refining, but that does not mean they shouldn't exist at all.

So next time you think of yourself as deserving absolute freedom, think again and again as every action, even thinking, has a consequence.

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