We have plantes a few things in the Greenhouse

My dad have had a Greenhouse in the backyard for years and we have always planted different veggies to use for us and to give something away to the neighbors :D

This year though some things ain't grow and is just dying alright while other things seems to thrive x)
Not sure what have happened.

The first 3 pictures are of the good stuff :p

The Tomatos is ripe & juice! I pick 2-3 everyday and just need it raw, so juice & so flavorful compared to the ones in the supermarkets!

Also, we have cucumbers! Not my favorite but still good and way tastier than the supermarket ones :D

We also have a lot of grapes! Looking forward to those! They are not quite ripe yet! But gtting there!

These are the ones who have alright died for some reason :c
It was peppers, Cucumbers & Salat x)

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