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Stacking Even Very SMALL Amounts Will Add Up to Something in the Future!

Greetings Felines and Hoomans of Greater Hivelandia!

My little account here recently managed to make it to 200 HP, which is virtually nothing in the greater scheme of things, but I thought about it and 200 HP at $0.63 is a lot more than 200 HP at $0.30.

That is, if we count our progress in terms of fiat money.

Which, I suppose, most of us still do because we live in a world where such things as rent and cat food is still priced in terms of fiat.

Whereas that may eventually change, it's not something I see happening for at least the next 20 years. It also took a long time to get from the invention of mass-produced cell phones to everyone owning one, and it took quite a while to get from the first online services to everyone being online.

I realize a lot of Crypto Maximalists might disagree, but I can only ask them to remember that they are first adopters, and first adopters are far more courageous when it comes to new technologies than "the middle bulge" and the highly resistant LATE adopters.

Pretty much ALL innovation has its learning curve

So what does that have to do with the title of this post?

The way I look at it, the tiny amounts I am able to stack and set aside today may well become far more significant when we get 5, 10, 20 years down the road.

We're all still (very) early adopters, here!

Early adoption has its risks.

We'd like to think that what we have put our faith in will still be what's around, at that future time.

Those who are old enough may remember the "wars" between VHS and Betamax back in the day of video cassettes. If you'd put your energy and faith in Betamax, you probably ended up on the losing end, in the long run... until everything changed to the CD/DVD format. And now that is working on becoming obsolete, as streaming makes more sense than owning "hard copies."

At the moment, we are sitting on "cutting edge" ideas... but we don't really know what iterations of new technology will come along between now and 2040 and make what we're doing obsolete.

Will cryptocurrency become obsolete?

Who knows? MONEY (taken to mean a temporary store of value used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services) seems unlikely to become obsolete until the concept of ownership becomes mostly obsolete, in the style depicted in science fiction shows like Star Trek and The Orville.

Even then, we are still likely to trade things with each other. Or are we? Is there a need to trade when you can just "make one" for yourself, at no cost?

I mean, if you have something like 3D printing technology that can universally create anything you desire — from a diamond to a steak — at practically zero cost, what would you need money for?

Personally, I am looking forward to a day when who you are and what you know and what you can contribute becomes more important than what you have!

But I am digressing, again.

For the moment, I feel good enough about the crypto/blockchain world to put my faith in "stacking" whatever tiny amounts I can get my hands on via investing, posting blogs and engaging and such.

Because, in the end, I believe all these tiny amounts DO add up to something! Even the fractional cents count!


Curator Cat 12-AUG-2022

Posted using Proof of Brain