The Pygmalion Effect


In a psychological principle known as the "Pygmalion effect", it shows how important it is for a supportive environment that believes in your abilities and does not destroy them.

This effect is named after George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion, inspired by the Greek myth of Pygmalion, a sculptor who fell in love with a charming statue he sculpted.

The principle says that the expectations of the teacher affect the performance of the students, so scientists have noticed that teachers who believe in the abilities of their students and expect them to succeed, succeed in achieving this. The opposite is true for teachers who underestimate the abilities of their students.

The main reason for this is due to the behavior of the teachers more than the students themselves, as the teacher's high expectations towards the student will motivate him and increase his scientific and moral interest, which leads to improving his performance, increasing his cognitive skills, and achieving success. The same idea applies to the social environment surrounding you, as the environment of support and encouragement helps to develop capabilities, while the environment that destroys capabilities leads to frustration and failure.

Therefore, it is advised to carefully choose the appropriate environment that believes in your abilities, supports you, and helps you achieve success

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