a little paradise in real life that we often overlook


Remember when we feel pleasure is something that makes us happy?
Yes, the blessings we get can come from many things. in our daily life there are three small paradises that we often ignore, namely smiling, sincere and sharing, so simple and maybe we can do everyday. but ask yourself, have you done these three things with all your heart?
It's really hard when we have instilled in our thoughts that these three things are hard to carry out. but in fact, if we often and happily smile, sincerely and share, there will be happiness that is difficult to compare with anything.

a kind of little paradise in this world. we are always looking for pleasure what can really make ourselves feel satisfied. indeed a lot of entertainment that can make yourself satisfied. but making yourself truly happy is very difficult. if we see many people who are rich but can't feel themselves really happy. behind the many treasures he has there are problems that make him not enjoy his life. but on the other hand there are people who are poor, but the sense of a sincere smile is always done when eating does not necessarily mean he is suffering.

One's life is the responsibility and destiny of each but the task of humans is essentially to help each other and be happy in the world. when you ask why until now you have not felt true happiness. try introspection from each of you have you smiled for good things today?
Have you felt sincere in doing every job?
and have you shared even though in various ways with those who can share?
I'm sure when you do these three little things you will feel happy that you haven't felt before.

we never know where we are now, but we can choose what we will become in this world, become rich people and can help people in need or become poor by hoping for the help of others? work hard and make yourself meaningful to others. Make yourself and those closest to you happy. carry out a job sincerely and selflessly. believe me in real life there is still a small paradise that we often miss. without us knowing it we can do and we get it anytime and anywhere.

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