The Authors, the readers and the curators

Sometimes I hear complains from some of my friends, and some of the people I have introduced to hive that their posts are not been upvoted up to the standard of the post and the quality of the contents in it. I do have that same feelings sometimes, trust me so many people do too.

While I was checking through the community posts yesterday, I noticed that there are some set of people(whales) who are the main reason why authors really get rewarded for their contents. People like @calumam @trostparadox @leprechaun @onealfa @vempromundo @amr008 and few others. Then it looked like, if these people do not see a post, then the author should expect almost no rewards on the particular post.

These set of people(whales) certainly can't go through every single post in the community, they have their life to live and things to attend to outside proofofbrain community and in the real world. Even if they can go through all this posts, they can't upvote everything due to the everyday post traffic.


Most people fall under the author category here in the proofofbrain and hive as a whole this is the main reason why some times important posts doesn't get recognised especially when the topic doesn't look attractive enough.

The orientation most people especially newbies have is that, the fastest way to earn is through creating content and waiting for whales to come around and upvote. No one wants to go around reading other people's content, making comments and upvoting with their little upvote power, it feels like it is more time taking and stressful.

So when their contents are not been upvoted as expected, they create another post thereby causing more traffic. Some people make more than four posts a day with no comments or upvote. They only gives reply to people who comes around to comment on their post.
With these orientation, it would be difficult for the community to gain maximum interaction.


Although it might not look more of gain in the earning aspect, but it has more gains than one would ever think of in the learning aspect, communicating aspect, and the aspect of giving maximum recognition to a user.

Readers are people who create time to see the view of other people on different topics in which they have chosen to write on, readers also share their opinion on this contents in form of comments. They are the true people who make the community lively.

A lot of people wants to know how you feel about what they have posted. If you always drop valuable and relating comments, it keeps people curious and makes them want to know more about you and your posts.

Unlike social media where notifications are given when someone follows you, blog chains doesn't. So if you think by following people and creating posts, they will see you in their feeds, then you don't know yet. The only way to make more people follow you and see your post in their feeds is by engaging with them on their own posts. It's the best way to seek recognition.


Those whales I mentioned earlier should be a bonus factor to those who they upvote, not the only source of hope to better rewards. This has a lot to say to the rest of us, we should really try to up our games by staking more and spending less. What if these whales decide to have a week leave, those these mean no post for that week will have more than 10 to 20 pob upvote ?


For a community to grow and for people in it to grow as well, I think balance is a factor to be considered. If these will take people to post less and read more while creating more traffic in comments, it will increase engagement, enable whales to see most posts and reward more by upvoting. It also will make users of pob/hive know more about other users thereby making everyone to feel at home using the chain.

Who says comments can't bring you more rewards than creating posts? This is why I so much respect @amr008, he rewards quality comments. I have noticed that most times, he upvotes comments that are valid even when he did not upvote the mother post itself.

I hope I have been able to pass a message across, please feel free to reblog if you think this post is worth publishing for more people to see.

A better hive and it's community is what I hope for, stay safe and stay blessed.

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