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Dreemport Challenge / Week 2 - I keep on going


Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going.
- Jim Ryun

Friday is already here. And even if I had my doubts at the beginning, I'm still on track on the #dreemportchallenge with only some minor detours.

So without further ado, let me show you my summary of the week's results.


The meditation
This week, like last one, the five minutes of meditation were easy peasy.

The water
Drinking water, something I sometimes forget to do, was also a goal achieved. I think I even said it the week before. This was one of the incentives for me to join the challenge. If after six weeks, I manage to create the habit of drinking more water. Regardless of the rest of the results, the challenge would have been worth it.

Physical activity
At this point, I failed on Wednesday. That day was a bit hectic. I spent most of the day running errands and had to do a couple of favors for my cousin's wife. My cousin was hospitalized because he had a heart attack. And although that should have made me put more effort into taking care of my fitness and my health, the truth is that I came home that day exhausted and didn't do my walk for the day.

Personal goal
For this challenge, my personal goal is to post every day on Hive. And so far, I've achieved it. So I'm already a third of the way to that monthly author badge.


This week I have continued with my crochet project of knitting a scarf, and next week I hope to finish it.

But for this week, I also wanted to set myself an additional goal. I have always been one of those people who can and often do skip breakfast. If I have just one coffee in the morning, I can go a good part of the day without eating and I don't get hungry. Of course, it's not a very healthy habit and I often force myself to eat something. So this week, I decided to eat breakfast as soon as I woke up and to do it healthily, with no sweet biscuits to get out of the way or anything like that. And I can proudly say that this week the challenge was passed.

Submit to Dreemport a post-Monday-Friday
This week I did, or let's better say I'm in progress to do it since I need to submit this one.

Now the question,

Question for Week 2.-
As your first week progressed, what did you find to be the most challenging part of beginning this journey? Do you think that this week #2 has helped you be consistent and more dedicated? Or are you getting frustrated already! haha Share your honest feeling and emotions with us - There might be more people who resonate with how you're feeling! Be sure to cheer others on too!

Joining the challenge has been a great idea, it has been a driver to overcome the laziness to get moving some days. I feel like it's something I'm doing for my health and fitness, and that always brings us a positive emotion. I feel very good about doing the challenge, even with the slight stumbles and sometimes not having managed to complete all the tasks. I've wanted to be kind to myself and used the almost done that some of you liked to show the results the day that I didn't achieve all the goals.

On the other hand, with the excuse of it, I'm pushing myself to write every day. I don't know why if I like blogging so much it's so hard for me to do it every day. Or maybe I do because I try to do many things at the same time and one thing always gets left out. And many times it's writing a blog. So It's a big goal for me. I'm not going to deny that especially this point sometimes causes me some stress, because if I set out to get the badge the author for this month, I can't miss any day. So no "Almost Done" is allowed at this point and that puts a bit of pressure on it. But so far, I think I'm handling that pressure well.

Before I forget it, here is the scarf progress.


That's all for this week. Now, I have to do my Dreemport curation of the day and submit this article. Then I will go out for my daily walk to complete today's challenge. So see you next week with the results, as I keep going and I hope everyone who has pledged to join in, will do so as well.

Thank you very much for reading.


All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

All images are my own and edited with Canva.
The chart that was taken from the @dreemsteem post calling for this 6 week challenge

© CoquiCoin

You can find me at


March 11, 2022

