Giving Myself The Treat I Deserve

Going outside to enjoyed ourselves can be so costly, then when we looked at how much we are going to spent, we can choose to stay back. Yet I still believe that going out to beautiful places is something that i must do to refresh my head and make me to feel happy.

I went to a bar in a hotel that is called, Goshen Hotel, in there, I drank juice, I enjoy fruits drink, so I ordered for Chivita Active Zest, I know the price will be somehow costly than what stores outside are selling but I have to get it for myself because it's what I want and to give myself some Air-conditioning machine to touch me, because we have so much heat in the day time.

I do not want to pursue only savings of funds this year, I do not mean that I will be spending my money anyhow, because I will never do that, but I want the year to be a kind of year that I would take myself out, at least, once in a while so that to give myself the happiness I deserve to received.

Talking about the flavor of the drink, it tastes so much good but to be sincere, I didn't thought the drink was going to be in juice form, I thought of something milky, oh! poor me that do not know each fruits drink, but I would learn about all, I am learning one after another.

I was feeling so much rashes on my body, I do not think those rashes are there in my skin anymore because the air-conditioning machine of the Goshen bar has make me to feel cold and that was what I wanted.

Beautiful places brings beautiful thing's to our minds, looking at the environment alone has been so helpful to my life, because right now I do not feel boredom.

Images are mine

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