Don't Hold Back

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover." -Mark Twain

image from pixabay

Time waits for no man. Now you see it, now you don't. That's how the present moment keeps changing. This means we only have little things to do in each moment and it's best to do what comes from our heart and follow our dreams and what interests us without second thoughts or holding back.

Most people today prefer to hold back on experience because of what they fear they might realize at the end of it. Some fear being disappointed and see it as a waste of time.

A whole lot of opportunities are presented to us every day to shape our lives and make our dreams a reality. We should not try to hold back when trying to make life-changing choices. Most people nowadays hold back from what they should do and do what they think is acceptable.

What we forget is that at the end of the day, our regrets are ours and can't be shared by others. All the choices we should make but didn't make because of being a disappointment will live inside our memories for life and nothing can ever take us back in time because that moment has a cane and is gone. Even if we try to do them it won't be compared to how it would have been if we made the choice when we should.

Many people on their deathbed always have one or two things they wished they had done better but didn't because of ephemeral terms or concepts that hold them down at that time.

On our deathbed, it is good to have no regrets about what could have been because it's of no use again if we regret them now when we have decided for the first instance. In the big frame what you do won't matter to people over time and what you do for you will be the things that matter in the long run.

Are you a type that does what he wants without recourse or fear of failure or do you hold back a lot for reasons known to you?

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