Miracle Is Just A Perspective


Any spiritual reality exists? Any spiritual manifestation exists?
Doesn't feel like that, never felt that
Only empty feeling existed, lived
Emptiness flourished, emptiness keep getting empowered.

People want freedom from the truth, empty truth
Nothing left in the truth, hollow truth
Life is lifeless, only less
Life is switched off, joy is off.

Expectation is a ghost, blood sucking ghost
Life is lifeless, expectation is lifeless
Life is eternal betrayal, birth is eternal script of betrayal
Never expect, expectation is a threat for self respect.

Stories of miracles are just happenings, just happenings
Anything can happen, miracle never will happen
It's all timing, random timing
May be life is just a game, controlled game.

Reached truth? Now what? What's what?
Meaningless destination, that's what
Reality is simple, meaninglessly simple
You have a perspective? Miracle is just a perspective.


"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda

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